Formula 1 USGP 2016

This weekend will go down in history for many reasons. We started our weekend on Thursday night when we stopped by the Microsoft Store at the Domain in North Austin. Renault was set to have one of their F1 cars on display as well as some Forza racing going on. We were expecting the car to be outside as Ferrari had previously done for the Forza Horizon release. We were in shock when we saw the car was inside of the store! We went ahead and snapped the pictures you see below.
Fan Fest has always been a great way for the city of Austin to enjoy the Formula 1 experience if you couldn't afford tickets to the race. Our past experiences have included great music, food, vintage F1 cars on display, and even Red Bull driving their extremely loud V8s down the streets of downtown. Unfortunately this year was a poor example of what Fan Fest has been in the past.
As we decided to grab some food, we spotted a line of brand new Ford Focus RSs parked behind each other. They all had Michigan plates with a group of guys wearing Ford and Focus RS shirts talking to people. I figured I had nothing to lose and asked them what were they giving away. Turns out that if we took a picture of their cars and posted it on Instagram, we'd be in a drawing to get tickets. I probably would've posted a picture of the cars either way since we think they're pretty badass!
A photo posted by Rev Match Media (@revmatchmedia) on Oct 22, 2016 at 1:07pm PDT
Well turns out they were Ford employees on a rally from OK to the race (click here for their Facebook Page). We ended up winning some tickets to the race and sat at the turn 4 section. Experiencing the race in person was a surreal experience. Unfortunately we didn't take that many pictures since it was one of those things where you enjoy the moment and don't bury yourself in your iPhone's camera or DSLR.
The Ford guys are probably tired of us telling them thanks for the tickets, but it was an unforgettable memory. Now if only we can get a set of keys to an RS or GT350 to review!