Clean Culture Texas 2018

Clean Culture Texas 2018

A baseball stadium?

We’ve attended car shows at different locations, but a baseball stadium was definitely a first for us. The Round Rock Express team allowed the Clean Culture group to borrow the Dell Diamond to showcase some top notch cars from all over Texas.

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We started off in the parking lot that showcased a wide variety of different cars ranging from a Honda Civic showcasing a sticker bombed valve cover, to a massive turbo’d BMW 3 series. We knew this was a good sign of what we’d see what’s inside.

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Heading towards the main entrance of the stadium, we were greeted by a trio of Evos. On the outside they were all done up in the looks department. That continued under the hood as far as a done up engine bay went but we all know the potential of the 4G63T engine.

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Inside the stadium gates showcased the best of the best. We were greeted by JDM royalty. Starting off with a Phoenix Yellow Integra Type R and then moving on to a Mugen bathed Honda Civic Si.

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As we moved towards the rest of the cars in the higher end, we encountered a mix of JDM flavor on a BMW Z4 which worked very well. The other BMW showcased was that of Instagram user notmattguitarmurphy. The RED DVL is pretty hard to miss with it’s super wide hips.

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The other red head that caught our attention was that of our buddy Mike of BD Tuning. His S3 was aired out to tuck his white Porsche three piece Turbo Twists. Of course we had to show it some camera love.

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Overall we loved the show and it’s variety. We think having the cars on the field itself would’ve taken the show to a whole other level, but we understand that there’s always that one person that’ll ruin it for everyone. One can only hope.

We hope you enjoy our photo coverage below.